Natural Nail Overlay is a new generation way to protect and strengthen the natural nail. A good option for you who need better support for your nails than gel polish. The nails are flexible, natural and durable. You will get long-lasting nails with the desired color shade or decoration. The age limit for natural nail overlay is 16 years.
Natural Nail Overlay
Natural Nail Overlay
Light and durable natural nail service
Natural Nail Overlay is done on top of your own nail without increasing the length of the nail. In this nail service, the natural nail is strengthened with a flexible and very durable gel. With the help of gel, a shape is built on the nail and a stress point is created. The product has a very good adhesion to the natural nail, thanks to which the reinforcement is flexible and lives with the natural nail, giving the nail considerable additional strength.
The reinforcement is thinner and more flexible than when made with structural gel. Due to its properties, the product is particularly suitable for strengthening the natural nail. Natural Nail Overlay is maintained with an electric file and its recommended maintenance interval is 3-4 weeks. The durability of the service is between gel polish and structural nails. In Natural nail Overlay, the nails are not lengthened like structural nails, but the service protects your own nails effectively, helping them to grow.
With Natural Nail Overlay, it is possible to smooth out the cosmetic irregularities of natural nails or to help grow your own nails. We have grown even very short nails nicely, and helped our customers get rid of, for example, nail biting or tearing. We recommend Natural Nail Overlay, especially if you need an alternative that is more durable than gel polish, but lighter and more natural than traditional structural nails.
Natural Nail Overlay, like our other nail services, can be implemented as a single color, classic French or gradient baby boomer, or as an all inclusive service that includes the decorations you want. In all inclusive, the base can have a one-coloured polish, French or baby boomer, glitter or other decorations. In connection with the all-inclusive service, different unique, abstract, simple or spectacular nail paintings can also be done. Our nail artists offer different levels of decoration, so we recommend getting to know our manicurists’ decoration skills and work sample photos before booking a treatment appointment.
Decorative nails and help with various nail problems
Nail polish colours & nail decorations
In our beauty salons, you can find a wide selection of CrystaLac polishes, which we use in our Natural Nail Overlay services to finish the nails. If you wish, your nails can also be left unpolished, if you want a result that is as natural as possible and even slightly translucent. Our range of nail polishes includes the so-called basic selection, salon’s own shades and seasonal colors. Please note that not all lacquer shades visible in e.g. social media photos may always be available at all locations, as there may be differences in salon-specific polish selections.
Our service selection also includes a decorative all-inclusive service, which includes the decorations you want. However, we kindly ask you to note that our manicurists are individuals with their own strengths, and there may be differences in decorating skills. If you are looking for a specific style of decoration or a more demanding design, we recommend that you check out the work samples of our manicurists on our team page, so that you can find the most suitable nail professional for you.
Natural Nail Overlay with one color
As the name suggests, this service includes a single-color finish without decorations. The nails can be done as translucent, colored or with basic glitter polish.
All inclusive MINI nails
All inclusive MINI service includes simple nail decorations made with one technique, such as foils, glitters, chromes or individual diamonds. Paintings are not part of the all-inclusive MINI services.
French or baby boomer nails
French or baby boomer service includes French or faded baby boomer style in white, black or colored without any additional decorations.
All inclusive service
The service includes decorative nails. The base can be monochromatic, French or baby boomer, glitter or other decorations. In connection with all-inclusive nail service, for example, various unique, abstract or simple paintings and larger diamond arrangements can be made.
All inclusive Master nails
The service includes more challenging decorations and paintings. Our professionals who provide this service are specialized in demanding decorations, such as more artistic paintings, and have extensive knowledge of various decoration techniques. In the Master service, for example, a different design designed just for you can be implemented for each nail.
Changing from one nail service to another
Unfortunately, we do not maintain natural nail overlay nails made elsewhere. If you have natural nail overlay done elsewhere, you should book an appointment for new natural nail overlay nails. In connection with the treatment, + 15 € will be charged for changing the service.
Changing the natural nail overlay to CrystaLac gel polish
If you have natural nail overlay done at Blue Lagoon Beauty, you can book an appointment for new CrystaLac gel polish according to the style you choose (one-coloured, French / babyboomer / decorative all inclusive). In connection with the treatment, + 15 € will be charged for changing the service.
Changing the natural nail overlay to artificial nails
If you have natural nail overlay done at Blue Lagoon Beauty or elsewhere, you can make an appointment directly for new artificial nails. In connection with the treatment, + 15 € will be charged for changing the service.
Nails chip & split
Dry nails, for example due to the weather or hormonal reasons, can cause nails to dry out and split. Constant washing and disinfection of hands can also dry hands and nails, which is why it would be good to grease hands. The best friend for dry nails is cuticle oil, which you should remember to use regularly. For uneven, chipped, cracked and flaking nails, we primarily recommend the Natural Nail Overlay service, if you do not want extra length for your nails. If you also want to add length to your nails right away, structured nails are a suitable option. A nail professional will gladly advise you on the most suitable solution for your nails!
Nail biting and torn nails
Nail biting and tearing are common problems that we see all the time. It can be difficult to get rid of a problem that has become a habit. When the nails are strengthened, for example, with Natural Nail Overlay or structural nail service, this often makes tearing or biting the nails impossible or unpleasant, which makes it possible to get rid of the habit. With the help of nail services, torn nails can be treated immediately and in the neatest condition. For very short nails, we primarily recommend Natural Nail Overlay service, due to its good durability. A really short nail may not be able to support a nail extension in the desired way, which is why it is good to first strengthen and grow the nail with the help of a Natural Nail Overlay service. When the natural nails have first been grown a little, you can switch to structural nails if you don’t like the length of the natural nails.
Strengthen your nails with cuticle oil
The use of Dadi Oil cuticle oil extends the durability of the nail service by moisturizing the natural nail and cuticles. We recommend that you always get cuticle oil in connection with the nail service, so that the nails stay in as good a condition as possible.
Nail services with quality guarantee
All our professionals go through our unique quality processes, with which we guarantee consistent and high-quality service experiences for our customers. We recommend getting to know our professionals and their work samples on our team page, so that you can find the most suitable nail professional for you.
Blue Lagoon Beauty purchases the service from an external service provider. According to the agreement, each service provider is responsible for the work they do.
You can find the services and prices of all salons in our online booking. By focusing your beauty services on Blue Lagoon salons, you can also accumulate valuable loyalty points!
Preparation for Natural nail overlay service, home care instructions & guarantee info
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the service you have booked before coming for treatment. We have collected general recommendations for Natural nail overlay home care and preparation for a nail appointment. Read the instructions carefully and contact us if something bothers you. Our professionals will help you in all problem situations.
Our manicurists
Our beauty salons are staffed by manicurists who specialize in natural nail services. We recommend getting to know our nail professionals and their work sample photos, so that you can find the most suitable artist for you!
Our nail services
We do manicures for natural nails, Shellac polishes, CrystaLac gel polishes, natural nail overlay services and structural nails. Our nail service always includes Blue Lagoon’s quality guarantee.
You can find professional-specific work samples easily on our IG accounts by using the hashtag, for example #BLIrinaK – the BL is always added to the beginning and after that the professional’s name. You can find all our nail professionals on our team page.
Weekend`s lookbook:
Eye patches
Silky legs
Hotel sheets
Matchy nails♥️
#bluelagoonbeauty #masterofbeauty #sokerointi #pedikyyri #geelilakkaus #kevytvahvistus #punaisetkynnet #kynnethelsinki #sokerointihelsinki #kauneushoitolahelsinki #beautysalonhelsinki #gelpolishhelsinki #sugaringhelsinki
Jan 31

Soooo cute! 💕 @sofia.chioma tekee paljon videosisältöjä erityisesti TikTokin puolelle & kynnet ovatkin tärkeässä osassa estetiikkaa, kun Sofia esimerkiksi esittelee videolla kauneustuotteita, jolloin kädet ovat koko ajan näkyvissä.
"Tällä kertaa päädyttiin ranskikseen. Sofia kertoo tykkäävänsä siitä, miten ranskalaisen manikyyrin kontrasti näkyy videoilla." Sofian kynsiä tekevä manikyristi Saana H. kertoo.
Kevyt vahvistus ranskalainen Saana H. | @bluelagoontoolo
#bluelagoonbeauty #BLSaanaH #töölö #kauneushoitola #kevytvahvistus #kynnethelsinki #nailshelsinki #nails #vaikuttaja #ranskalainenmanikyyri
Jan 5

Ja näillä isoilla uutisilla päätämme tämän vuoden. Kiitos 2024!✨❤️
Tulemme avaamaan maaliskuussa liikkeen ikoniselle Bulevardille Helsinkiin. Tähän uuteen upeaan tilaan muuttavat Punavuoren ja Kolmikulman liikkeemme, mutta ei siinä vielä kaikki! Yli 200 neliöinen liike tulee sisältämään myös jotakin uutta. Stay tuned!😘
Videon Lash Lift: Petra R. @bluelagoonkamppi
#bluelagoonbeauty #masterofbeauty #kauneushoitola #kauneushoitolahelsinki #beautysalonhelsinki #ripsipidennykset #lashlift #browlift #geelilakkaus #kevytvahvistus #rakennekynnet #kasvohoito #hydrafacial #dermapen
Dec 31

Säkenöiden kohti vuotta 2025✨
Kevyt vahvistus all inclusive Diana O. @bluelagoonkamppi
#bluelagoonbeauty #BLDianaO #kauneushoitola #kamppi #kevytvahvistus #kynnenkevytvahvistus #kynnet #kynnethelsinki #nailshelsinki #beautysalonhelsinki #kynsimaalaukset #starnails #goldennails #nailtrends
Dec 28

Pinkki on @sofia.chioman suosikkisävy kynsissä! 🩷✨ Sofia testailee rohkeasti myös muita kynsilookkeja, mutta päätyy aina takaisin pinkkiin. Se sopiikin hänelle super hyvin!
Onko täällä muita, jotka kuuluu team pinkkiin?
Kevyt vahvistus Saana H. | @bluelagoontoolo
#bluelagoonbeauty #BLSaanaH #töölö #kauneushoitolahelsinki #helsinki #kynnethelsinki #kevytvahvistus
Oct 24

Tässä kynsihuollossa Rita saapui Tampereen toimipisteellemme ajatuksenaan jatkaa neutraalilla sävymaailmalla, mutta päätyikin valitsemaan extemporena kauniin ja syksyisen tummanpunaisen sävyn, 3s55. Ritan kynnet kasvavat kevyt vahvistuksella vauhdilla, mutta sillä hän pitää käytännöllisemmästä pituudesta, lyhennettiin kynnet jälleen maltilliseen ja luonnolliseen mittaan. ❤
Kevyt vahvistus Minna A. | @bluelagoontampere
#bluelagoonbeauty #BLMinnaA #tampere #kauneushoitolatampere #beautysalon #kevytvahvistus #kynnet #kynnettampere #vaikuttaja
Oct 14

Tässä kynsihuollossa artisti Sara Been kynsiin tehtiin jotakin täysin erilaista, mitä Saralla on yleensä nähty. Pitkät chromekynnet vaihtuivat maltillisen sävyiseen, tummaan yksiväriseen sävyyn, joka sopiikin syksyyn täydellisesti. Sara halusi lookin, joka sopii kaiken kanssa ja tumma kynsilook onkin samalla neutraali, mutta näyttävä. 🤎
Kevyt vahvistus yksivärinen Helmi L. | @bluelagoonkamppi
#bluelagoonbeauty #BLHelmiK #kamppi #kauneushoitolahelsinki #kevytvahvistus #kynnet #kynnethelsinki #syyskynnet
Sep 20

Space Silver - hopeavivahteet trendaavat syksyn 2024 lookeissa!
Trendikkäät hopeiset kynnet täydentävät täydellisesti syksyn asukokonaisuuksia. Hopeisia kynsiä voidaan varioida erilaisia sävyjä ja tekniikoita hyödyntäen. Kokeile esimerkiksi magneettisia Tiger Eye -lakkoja, chrome-pigmenttejä tai matan ja metallisen hopean yhdistelmää! Myös folioinnit, helmet, kynsikorut ja strassikoristelut sopivat hyvin hopeisen pohjan kanssa. Minimalistisesta tyylistä pitävä voi kokeilla vaikkapa hopeista microranskista ja näyttävämmistä tyyleistä inspiroituva voi löytää itselleen mieluisan toteutuksen geometrisista kuvioista ja hopeisista abstrakteista maalauksista. 💎✨
Kuvassa kokoelmamme Galaxy Chrome -tyyli.
#bluelagoonbeauty #beautysalonfinland #kynnet #kynsityylit #kevytvahvistus #geelilakkaus #rakennekynnet
Sep 2

REDlicious! Kuten jo aiemmin vihjailtiinkin, punainen on nyt yksi suurimmista trendiväreistä, jos Hollywoodin kermaan on uskominen. Punainen kynsilook voidaan toteuttaa usein eri palveluin, erilaisin twistein ja sävyin. Tässä muutamia vaihtiksia. ❤
1. Geelilakkaus, sävy 3s178, Heini Ö. | @bluelagoonkamppi
2. Kevyt vahvistus, sävy 3s53, Kati J. | @bluelagoon_punavuori
#bluelagoonbeauty #rednails #trending #viraltrends #rednails #geelilakkaus #kevytvahvistus #rakennekynnet
Aug 23

Your daily all inclusive nailspo! ✨👇🏼
1. Rakennekynnet all inclusive, pro Camilla K. | @bluelagoonkolmikulma
2. Kevyt vahvistus all inclusive Diana A. | @bluelagoonkamppi
3. CrystaLac all inclusive, master Nita N. | @bluelagoonlippulaiva
#bluelagoonbeauty #nails #kynnethelsinki #kynnetespoo #rakennekynnet #kevytvahvistus #kauneushoitola #geelilakkaus
Aug 15

Fan of strawberries?🍓😍
Kevyt vahvistus all inclusive Tiia K. @bluelagoon_punavuori
#bluelagoonbeauty #BLTiiaK #punavuori #kauneushoitolahelsinki #uudenmaankatu #kynnet #kynsikoristelut #pitkätkynnet #kynsimaalaukset #nailtrends #nailshelsinki #kynnethelsinki #kevytvahvistus #mansikkakynnet #kynsienkasvatus #kynsiensuojaus #kynsienvahvistus
Jun 14

Eroon kynsien pureskelu- ja repimistavasta! Katsokaapa tätä upeaa makeover-matkaa, joka kynsiin on saavutettu kevyt vahvistus -palvelulla. 😍
Kynsiä on saatu kasvatettua systemaattisesti ja asiakas on päässyt eroon pitkäaikaisesta pureskelutavastaan!
Tutustu palveluun bion linkistä ja ota askel kohti paremminvoivia kynsiä.
#bluelagoonbeauty #beautysalonfinland #kauneushoitola #kynnet #kevytvahvistus #kynsienpureskelu
Apr 2